The Latest Trends in Privileged Access Management (PAM) for 2024

Privileged Access Management (PAM) plays a role in cybersecurity strategies, especially when organizations face complex threats. In 2024, the PAM landscape will change due to advancements and shifts in requirements. Here are five significant trends influencing the future of PAM, ensuring that organizations maintain security in an evolving environment.
The Importance of Identity Intelligence in Modern Cybersecurity

The digital transformation is upon us, and the importance of identity security has never been more crucial. As organizations and individuals alike navigate an interconnected world, the identity security landscape is evolving at a rapid pace. In this blog, we will explore the emerging trends in identity security that are set to shape the next few years.
Upcoming Trends in Identity Security

The digital transformation is upon us, and the importance of identity security has never been more crucial. As organizations and individuals alike navigate an interconnected world, the identity security landscape is evolving at a rapid pace. In this blog, we will explore the emerging trends in identity security that are set to shape the next few years.
Looking Beyond the Castle Walls: Zero Trust vs. Perimeter Trust in Cybersecurity

Last time, we talked about external threats and how to mitigate them with a robust IAM solution. As part of our Cyber Security Awareness series, today we will be talking about one of the most common threats a business can face: internal threats.
Zero Trust Architecture and Compliance

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected digital landscape, companies face an ever-growing challenge of maintaining robust cybersecurity practices while also complying with a myriad of regulations and industry standards. The Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) has emerged as a game-changing approach that not only enhances security but also plays a pivotal role in helping companies stay compliant with the increasingly complex regulatory environment. In this blog, we will explore how Zero Trust architecture assists companies in achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance.
Importance of privileged account management in Zero Trust architecture

The concept of Zero Trust architecture has been gaining popularity in the cybersecurity world in recent years. It is a framework that emphasizes the need for organizations to always be cautious and verify the trustworthiness of users and devices, even if they are inside the network. This is in contrast to the traditional approach of trusting insiders and only securing the perimeter of the network.
Privileged access management (PAM) audit checklist

Privileged access management (PAM) is a critical aspect of an organization’s cybersecurity strategy. It involves carefully controlling and monitoring access to sensitive systems, networks, and data to prevent unauthorized access and protect against cyber threats.
Importance of Just in time access in the cyber security risk management

Just-in-time (JIT) access is a critical component of cyber security risk management. It is a security approach that grants users access to the information and resources they need at the moment they need it, and revokes that access as soon as it is no longer needed. This approach is in contrast to traditional security models, which often grant users broad, blanket access to resources, even if they only need access to a small portion of those resources on a regular basis.